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Daily Fund Performance

Net-of-Fees (as of 02/14/2025 )

Fund Current Price1 Price Change2,3 Year-to-Date3.4
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund $11.7074 0.59% 1.95%
Fixed Income Fund $34.2407 0.37% 1.50%
Inflation Protection Fund $21.1078 0.19% 2.49%
International Equity Fund $49.3612 0.51% 6.68%
Multiple Asset Fund $47.8301 0.28% 3.79%
Short Term Investment Fund $14.5335 0.05% 0.53%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund $11.5533 0.37% 1.42%
Social Values Choice Equity Fund $27.9849 0.19% 5.38%
Stable Value Fund $1.0000 N/A 0.23%
U.S. Equity Fund $87.5670 0.05% 3.43%
U.S. Equity Index Fund $33.5100 0.02% 4.29%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund $11.9639 0.27% 1.88%

Quarterly Investor Resources

View Wespath’s quarterly resources including detailed fund performance and attribution, quarterly institutional investor letter from our CIO and other members of the investment team, and our latest market recap video.

Quarterly Investor Resources

View Wespath’s quarterly resources including detailed fund performance and attribution, quarterly institutional investor letter from our CIO and other members of the investment team, and our latest market recap video.

Fund Benchmarks

1 Fund prices are posted to this site by 9:00 p.m., Central time.

2 The posted rate of return is from the most recent posted pricing date. The return usually represents performance from day to day. However, in the event of holidays or nonbusiness days, the return that appears will be the performance from the most recent pricing date.

3 Rates of return reflect past performance and are no guarantee of comparable future results. The prices of Wespath investment funds will raise and fall with the value of the investments held in the funds. The units a participant owns may be worth more or less than their purchase price when redeemed. Investment results shown here are after all investment, administrative and custodial expenses.

4 Wespath prices the Stable Value Fund similar to a traditional money market fund: the price remains $1.00 with interest credited to participant accounts at the end of each month in the form of additional units. The current-year performance reflected above is as of the most recent month end. Click here to check current crediting rate for the Stable Value Fund.

Historic Fund Performance - Month-End

Net-of-Fees (as of 01/31/2025)1,2

Annualized Returns
Fund One Month Year-to-Date One
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund 0.34% 0.34% -1.80% -4.32% -2.20% - 1.48% $2,524
ETFIF Benchmark4 0.42% 0.42% -2.25% -7.53% -4.16% - 1.15%
Fixed Income Fund 0.83% 0.83% 3.72% -0.16% 0.56% 2.17% 4.62% $4,773
FIF Benchmark4 0.63% 0.63% 3.10% -0.89% 0.00% 1.82% 4.22%
Inflation Protection Fund 1.54% 1.54% 3.01% 0.70% 2.60% 2.45% 3.56% $1,130
IPF Benchmark4 1.56% 1.56% 3.61% -1.80% 1.30% 2.46% 3.83%
International Equity Fund 3.72% 3.72% 8.68% -0.59% 3.84% 5.08% 5.96% $3,838
IEF Benchmark4 3.65% 3.65% 10.28% 3.12% 5.46% 5.31% 5.20%
Multiple Asset Fund 2.57% 2.57% 10.69% 2.86% 6.17% 6.69% 7.06% $3,246
MAF Benchmark4 2.51% 2.51% 13.17% 4.60% 7.01% 7.16% 7.02%
Short Term Investment Fund 0.36% 0.36% 5.17% 4.01% 2.44% 1.78% 1.65% $206
STIF Benchmark4 0.37% 0.37% 5.22% 4.05% 2.53% 1.81% 1.64%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund 0.67% 0.67% 3.23% -0.82% 0.24% - 1.82% $129
SVCBF Benchmark4 0.63% 0.63% 3.10% -0.89% 0.00% - 1.68%
Social Values Choice Equity Fund 3.65% 3.65% 20.56% 9.43% 12.44% 10.90% 10.56% $223
SVCEF Benchmark4 2.37% 2.37% 18.33% 8.84% 11.97% 10.71% 10.43%
Stable Value Fund 0.23% 0.23% 2.82% 2.20% 1.95% 2.05% 2.75% $325
SVF Benchmark4 0.37% 0.37% 5.22% 4.05% 2.53% 2.22% 2.71%
U.S. Equity Fund 3.17% 3.17% 19.48% 8.03% 12.45% 11.70% 8.33% $5,359
USEF Benchmark4 3.16% 3.16% 26.32% 11.36% 14.60% 13.21% 8.96%
U.S. Equity Index Fund 3.16% 3.16% 26.13% 11.16% 14.63% 13.06% 12.61% $152
USEIF Benchmark4 3.16% 3.16% 26.32% 11.36% 14.60% 13.21% 12.78%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund 1.26% 1.26% 2.64% -1.68% 1.29% - 2.31% $517
USTPF Benchmark4 1.30% 1.30% 2.93% -1.46% 1.58% - 2.58%

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”).

Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars. Historical returns are not indicative of future performance.

2 Investment performance is presented net-of-fees - that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses.

The investments of the Funds may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on widely-available market indices, which are unmanaged and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly to an index.

This report was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - P Series for more information about each Fund. This is not an offer to purchase securities. Wespath investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government. 

3 The inception dates for the Wespath funds and respective benchmark performance are as follows:

  • Extended Term Fixed Income Fund/ETFIF Benchmark - 5/29/2015
  • Inflation Protection Fund/IPF Benchmark - 1/5/2004
  • Multiple Asset Fund/MAF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Short Term Investment Fund/STIF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Social Values Choice Bond Fund/SVCBF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • Social Values Choice Equity Fund/SVCEF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • Stable Value Fund/SVF Benchmark - 11/18/2002
  • U.S. Equity Index Fund/USEIF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund/USTPF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • For all other Wespath funds and fund benchmarks, the inception date is 12/31/1997

4 Please see here for a description of each fund benchmark.

Historic Funds Performance - Quarter-End

Net-of-Fees (as of 12/31/2024)1,2

Annualized Returns
Fund Three
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund -7.28% -3.30% -3.30% -5.53% -1.57% - 1.45% $2,512
ETFIF Benchmark4 -7.43% -4.15% -4.15% -9.20% -3.26% - 1.12%
Fixed Income Fund -2.50% 2.72% 2.72% -1.09% 0.73% 2.25% 4.61% $4,757
FIF Benchmark4 -2.61% 2.28% 2.28% -1.90% 0.29% 1.98% 4.21%
Inflation Protection Fund -2.44% 1.26% 1.26% 0.10% 2.41% 2.51% 3.50% $1,112
IPF Benchmark4 -2.64% 2.22% 2.22% -2.50% 1.26% 2.64% 3.77%
International Equity Fund -7.90% 2.02% 2.02% -3.39% 2.41% 4.65% 5.84% $3,714
IEF Benchmark4 -7.61% 5.23% 5.23% 0.50% 4.12% 4.91% 5.08%
Multiple Asset Fund -2.76% 7.33% 7.33% 0.59% 5.52% 6.36% 6.97% $3,189
MAF Benchmark4 -2.30% 10.44% 10.44% 2.36% 6.44% 6.87% 6.93%
Short Term Investment Fund 1.22% 5.28% 5.28% 3.88% 2.40% 1.75% 1.64% $217
STIF Benchmark4 1.18% 5.28% 5.28% 3.92% 2.48% 1.77% 1.63%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund -2.56% 2.63% 2.63% -1.74% 0.54% - 1.75% $127
SVCBF Benchmark4 -2.61% 2.28% 2.28% -1.90% 0.29% - 1.62%
Social Values Choice Equity Fund -0.97% 18.21% 18.21% 5.93% 11.62% 10.26% 10.26% $216
SVCEF Benchmark4 -1.18% 17.66% 17.66% 5.72% 11.49% 10.26% 10.26%
Stable Value Fund 0.72% 2.82% 2.82% 2.16% 1.93% 2.04% 2.75% $328
SVF Benchmark4 1.18% 5.28% 5.28% 3.92% 2.48% 2.20% 2.70%
U.S. Equity Fund 1.34% 16.72% 16.72% 4.72% 11.75% 11.06% 8.23% $5,283
USEF Benchmark4 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% 12.55% 8.87%
U.S. Equity Index Fund 2.65% 23.70% 23.70% 7.81% 13.87% 12.38% 12.38% $144
USEIF Benchmark4 2.63% 23.81% 23.81% 8.01% 13.86% 12.55% 12.55%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund -3.13% 1.76% 1.76% -2.85% 1.50% - 2.16% $510
USTPF Benchmark4 -2.96% 1.76% 1.76% -2.62% 1.77% - 2.43%

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”).

Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars. Historical returns are not indicative of future performance.

2 Investment performance is presented net-of-fees - that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses.

The investments of the Funds may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on widely-available market indices, which are unmanaged and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly to an index.

This report was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - P Series for more information about each Fund. This is not an offer to purchase securities. Wespath investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government. 

3 The inception dates for the Wespath funds and respective benchmark performance are as follows:

  • Extended Term Fixed Income Fund/ETFIF Benchmark - 5/29/2015
  • Inflation Protection Fund/IPF Benchmark - 1/5/2004
  • Multiple Asset Fund/MAF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Short Term Investment Fund/STIF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Social Values Choice Bond Fund/SVCBF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • Social Values Choice Equity Fund/SVCEF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • Stable Value Fund/SVF Benchmark - 11/18/2002
  • U.S. Equity Index Fund/USEIF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund/USTPF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • For all other Wespath funds and fund benchmarks, the inception date is 12/31/1997

4 Please see here for a description of each fund benchmark.

Historic Funds Performance - Calendar Year

Performance, Net-of-Fees1,2

Fund 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015
Extended Term Fixed Income Fund -3.30% 9.81% -20.59% -2.26% 12.10% 14.04% -2.23% 7.62% 5.44%
ETFIF Benchmark3 -4.15% 7.13% -27.09% -2.52% 16.12% 19.59% -4.68% 10.71% 6.67%
Fixed Income Fund 2.72% 7.84% -12.65% -1.10% 8.39% 10.23% -1.10% 6.57% 5.74% -1.97%
FIF Benchmark3 2.28% 6.51% -13.34% -1.12% 8.68% 10.19% -0.63% 4.59% 4.62% 0.10%
Inflation Protection Fund 1.26% 4.76% -5.46% 6.17% 5.80% 8.86% -2.17% 4.42% 7.70% -4.99%
IPF Benchmark3 2.22% 3.28% -12.20% 6.63% 7.72% 9.17% -1.49% 4.12% 10.73% -1.72%
International Equity Fund 2.02% 11.97% -21.06% 4.40% 19.67% 25.23% -13.78% 30.56% 6.02% -6.46%
IEF Benchmark3 5.23% 15.62% -16.58% 8.53% 11.12% 21.63% -14.76% 27.81% 4.41% -4.60%
Multiple Asset Fund 7.33% 13.72% -16.63% 8.75% 18.21% 21.08% -6.14% 17.98% 8.41% -2.56%
MAF Benchmark3 10.44% 15.59% -16.00% 11.61% 14.17% 20.78% -6.47% 16.95% 8.58% -0.90%
Short Term Investment Fund 5.28% 5.17% 1.24% -0.15% 0.58% 2.54% 1.62% 0.90% 0.46% 0.03%
STIF Benchmark3 5.28% 5.05% 1.47% 0.05% 0.67% 2.28% 1.87% 0.86% 0.33% 0.05%
Social Values Choice Bond Fund 2.63% 6.75% -13.41% -0.96% 9.36% 10.39% -0.96% 1.41% - -
SVCBF Benchmark3 2.28% 6.51% -13.34% -1.12% 8.68% 10.19% -0.63% 1.52% - -
Social Values Choice Equity Fund 18.21% 26.02% -20.19% 24.65% 16.94% 29.23% -7.75% 21.53% 6.97% -1.13%
SVCEF Benchmark3 17.66% 25.73% -20.13% 24.87% 16.77% 28.76% -7.55% 21.60% 7.19% -0.66%
Stable Value Fund 2.82% 2.26% 1.40% 1.41% 1.79% 1.86% 1.79% 1.50% 1.36% 4.28%
SVF Benchmark3 5.28% 5.05% 1.47% 0.05% 0.67% 2.28% 1.87% 0.86% 0.33% 4.30%
U.S. Equity Fund 16.72% 22.20% -19.49% 20.26% 26.17% 29.55% -5.48% 19.92% 11.53% 0.08%
USEF Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% -5.24% 21.13% 12.74% 0.48%
U.S. Equity Index Fund 23.70% 26.11% -19.67% 26.06% 21.18% 30.88% -4.99% 20.34% 12.35% -0.16%
USEIF Benchmark3 23.81% 25.96% -19.21% 25.66% 20.89% 31.02% -5.24% 21.13% 12.74% 0.48%
U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund 1.76% 3.24% -12.74% 5.61% 11.27% 8.43% -1.74% 2.31% - -
USTPF Benchmark3 1.76% 3.84% -12.60% 6.00% 11.54% 8.75% -1.48% 2.33% - -

Wespath Benefits and Investments (“Wespath”) is a general agency of The United Methodist Church, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization. Wespath administers benefit plans and together with its subsidiaries, UMC Benefit Board, Inc. (“UMCBB”) and Wespath Institutional Investments, LLC (“WII”) invests (or provides back-office services for) assets on behalf of benefit plan participants and beneficiaries, plan sponsors and other institutions controlled by, affiliated with or related to The United Methodist Church (the “Church”). For GIPS compliance purposes, the Firm referenced herein is defined to include Wespath, UMCBB and WII (“Firm”).

Wespath claims compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS is a registered trademark of CFA Institute. CFA Institute does not endorse or promote this organization, nor does it warrant the accuracy or quality of the content contained herein. To obtain a copy of Wespath’s GIPS Report, please call us at 1-847-866-4100 or e-mail us at [email protected].

1 The performance shown is for the stated time period only and computed in U.S. Dollars. Historical returns are not indicative of future performance.

2 Investment performance is presented net-of-fees - that is, with the deduction of external investment management fees, custody fees, and administrative and overhead expenses.

The investments of the Funds may vary substantially from those in the applicable benchmark. The benchmarks are based on widely-available market indices, which are unmanaged and are not subject to fees and expenses typically associated with investment funds. Investments cannot be made directly to an index.

This report was produced using data from sources believed to be accurate.

Please refer to the Investment Funds Description - P Series for more information about each Fund. This is not an offer to purchase securities. Wespath investment funds are neither insured nor guaranteed by the government. 

3 The inception dates for the Wespath funds and respective benchmark performance are as follows:

  • Extended Term Fixed Income Fund/ETFIF Benchmark - 5/29/2015
  • Inflation Protection Fund/IPF Benchmark - 1/5/2004
  • Multiple Asset Fund/MAF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Short Term Investment Fund/STIF Benchmark - 4/30/2002
  • Social Values Choice Bond Fund/SVCBF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • Social Values Choice Equity Fund/SVCEF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • Stable Value Fund/SVF Benchmark - 11/18/2002
  • U.S. Equity Index Fund/USEIF Benchmark - 12/31/2014
  • U.S. Treasury Inflation Protection Fund/USTPF Benchmark - 6/30/2017
  • For all other Wespath funds and fund benchmarks, the inception date is 12/31/1997